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 » Musiques » Les groupes » Nirvana » Chansons » Blew


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1Blew Empty Blew Dim 15 Aoû - 5:58

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

If you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
And If you wouldn't mind, I would like it loose
And If you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
And If you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe

Is there another reason for your stain?
Could you believe who we knew was stress and strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame!

If you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
And If you wouldn't mind, I would like it loose
And If you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
And If you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe

Is there another reason for your stain?
Could you believe who we knew was stress and strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame!

You could do anything


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 » Musiques » Les groupes » Nirvana » Chansons » Blew

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